Bare Evil

Rav Kook did not know the name of the disease caused by the pogroms of the exile. But it is clear to us now. The Jewish nation has PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. No other nation has suffered this much. No other nation has elicited so much bare evil. The post-Christian evil of Hitler et al. has been proven to outdo the pre-Christian evil of Rome, and all the Christian pogroms in their various kinds.

Barely a century after their invention, trains were used to transport Jews, to the gas chambers, using gas that came into existence only a few decennia before. This was the evil waiting for its chance. And we know, because we have learned, that evil is still waiting. The Iranians, the Turkish, the Arabs, all are waiting for a chance to finish what the Russians and Europeans began. But they should know that we are survivors, we indeed have PTSD, Powerful Technological Strategic Defense-systems. The enemies of Israel will submit, to eternal will, to our will. We will not allow this thing to repeat itself. Ever!

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