My Summary of Rav Kook

At the beginning it is the "Kofer" who is described as mentally ill, wanting to hurt the Nation, which is healthy and knows the truth through healthy self-reflection. This is the voice of the people. Then we get a lesson about patience, Savlanut, regarding the "Kofer", who nevertheless has some truth, and we get the realization that the opposite of an intellectual position which has some truth, is often also a intellectual position that has some truth. If so, both must be pursued, to make Israel whole. The principle s applied to the Ma'anar itself, and we end up with the truth that it is opposite. It is the nation of Israel that is sick, being the victim of perennial anti-Semitism, which is the sickness of the world. The "Kofer" comes to add to the sickness of Israel, even though he comes from a position of health and posits the truth. And it is because of this sickness that he is rejected no matter how pure, and sensitive, he brings his findings. Yet, Rav Kook implores the reader, the "Kofer" must not be stopped in his natural aspiration to make clear what is the waste, and through that, the truth. That is the voice of the Truth.

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