Five Years

The calendar of Eretz Yisrael, proposed by Aharon Ben Meir, is very close to the usual Hebrew calendar. Until the year 6000, there is only one short period in which the calendar of Eretz Yisrael differs from the usual one, the old Hebrew calendar. Focusing on Rosh Hashanah, it will be around 1 Tishrei 5786 that there is one day of difference, 1 Tishrei 5786 is one day earlier according to the calendar of Eretz Yisrael. Likewise, there are two days of difference around 1 Tishrei 5789 and 1 Tishrei 5790. For students of the GR"A and Ramchal, this should ring a bell.

On Kislev 1, in the year 5600, the calendar of Eretz Yisrael also departed from the usual Hebrew calendar. Concentrating on Rosh Hashanah, we have that the calendar of Eretz Yisrael had 1 Tishei 5601 and 1 Tishrei 5605 two days early, compared to the usual calendar. These five years, years 5601, 5605, 5786, 5789, 5790 are the only years of difference in the range from 5500 till 6000. I find that very interesting, and I imagine this must have been known to people.

Although, I did not find that anywhere printed. There seems to be no reference whatsoever to the other calendar, the calculation of Ben Meir. This must be the result of the Cherem. But to us, people of Truth, it is as if there is a Mitzvah to talk about everything that they wanted to swipe under the carpet, to lift up the carpet. Because under the carpet, there is the Truth. The time of movements is over, we want the Truth.

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