World-Wide Revolution

The students of the GR"A lost the universal aspect of Moshiach ben Yosef to the scientists. To mention just a few names: Newton, Gauss, Darwin, Wellhausen, and the Jewish ones, Einstein, Feynman, Freud, Friedman. The particularistic aspect of Moshiach ben Yosef they lost to the Zionists. To mention just a few names: Jabotinsky, Ben Gurion, Begin, Netanyahu. The students of the GR"A chose for the line of Moshiach ben David, which is the line of Halacha.

There is hatred between the line of Yosef and the line of David. But fortunately, there is another line, the line of "religious Zionists," who believe in Torah and Mad'ah. They believe in the combination of Torah, all the sciences, and the Zionist enterprise. Given the hatred between the two lines, it seems like a ridiculous position, filled with contradictions, in the brunt of hatred. It is not sufficiently known, but there is a secret to their success.

The secret is that there is another line, the line of Benyamin. Benyamin is the brother of Yosef, yet he is close to Yehudah. He has a foot in the domain of Yosef and a foot in the domain of Yehudah. He will certainly come, Moshiach, Melech ben Benyamin. He will be like Sha'ul, his roots being in two worlds. And he will unite the house of Yosef and the house of Yehudah. He will realize the vision of the GR"A and Ramchal, and bring a world-wide spiritual revolution.

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