Primary Example
It says in the Talmud {Shabbat 75a}:
Rabbi Shimon ben Pazi said in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi, in the name of Bar Kappara: "Anyone who knows how to calculate the cycles and the planetary movements and he does not calculate, it is written about him: And the work of G-d they do not regard and the action of His hands they do not see (Yeshaya 5:12)."
Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachman said in the name of Rabbi Yochanan: "From where do we know that it is incumbent upon a person to calculate the cycles and the planetary movements? For it is stated: You shall safeguard and perform them, for it is your wisdom and discernment in the eyes of the nations (Devarim 4:6). What wisdom and discernment is in the eyes of the nations? You have to say this is the calculation of the cycles and the planetary movements."
In other words, the calculation of the cycles based on the movements of the Moon and the Sun is the primary example of Chochma and Bina, "in the eyes of the nations." Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to study it. The mathematician Zvi Har'El and undersigned, a mere scientist, we made the calculation of the Jewish Calendar into a Jewish subject again, "in the eyes of the nations," after the seminal contribution of the mathematician and scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1802, who proved the point of the GR"A. B'Chasdei Hashem.
Les charmes enchanteurs de cette sublime science ne se décèlent dans toute leur beauté qu'à ceux qui ont le courage de l'approfondir. (Carl Friedrich Gauss)
Rabbi Shimon ben Pazi said in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi, in the name of Bar Kappara: "Anyone who knows how to calculate the cycles and the planetary movements and he does not calculate, it is written about him: And the work of G-d they do not regard and the action of His hands they do not see (Yeshaya 5:12)."
Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachman said in the name of Rabbi Yochanan: "From where do we know that it is incumbent upon a person to calculate the cycles and the planetary movements? For it is stated: You shall safeguard and perform them, for it is your wisdom and discernment in the eyes of the nations (Devarim 4:6). What wisdom and discernment is in the eyes of the nations? You have to say this is the calculation of the cycles and the planetary movements."
In other words, the calculation of the cycles based on the movements of the Moon and the Sun is the primary example of Chochma and Bina, "in the eyes of the nations." Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to study it. The mathematician Zvi Har'El and undersigned, a mere scientist, we made the calculation of the Jewish Calendar into a Jewish subject again, "in the eyes of the nations," after the seminal contribution of the mathematician and scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1802, who proved the point of the GR"A. B'Chasdei Hashem.
Les charmes enchanteurs de cette sublime science ne se décèlent dans toute leur beauté qu'à ceux qui ont le courage de l'approfondir. (Carl Friedrich Gauss)