The Great Aleph
The great secret of Torah is in fact pointing to one aspect of the Yichud of Hashem. As long as the sources of the wisdom from below and the wisdom from above, are perceived as giving contradicting messages, the Yichud of Hashem is not completely revealed. This the task of the letter Aleph, the great Aleph, at יהי אור. At that time, the unity of all wisdom and all knowledge will become as clear as the day. Everything in creation will be perceived as good, even the perception of evil will become the perception of good. The wisdoms from below, reformulated in terms of the wisdom from above, or visa versa, will come to teach this.
When is the time of the great Aleph? It seems that the GR"A, the Vilna Gaon, interpreted the Zohar such that the year 5600 was "the year." Year 5600 was the final year of Machzor Hagadol, and it is the year the gates are opened for the sources of the wisdom from below and the wisdom from above, according to the Zohar. This is why the GR"A so heroically attempted to install the primacy of the wisdoms from below as a value among his students. It was his attempt to bring the Geula early, but the attempt backfired.
The students of the GR"A could not withstand the voices of Haskala that said that the sources of the wisdom from below are very different from the wisdom of above. Rather than facing the apparent contradictions, they succumbed, and retreated. They started to see the wisdoms from below as evil. And as year 5600 went by, the wisdoms from below received an enormous boost, and there was no Geula. There was, instead, devastation among the students of the GR"A.
The students of the GR"A withdrew and chose for the study of Halacha, uniting all those who reject the wisdoms from below. The problem is that the wisdom from above that would have brought the Geula went incognito in the face of the rejection of the wisdoms from below. In a classical case of Midah k'Neged Midah, in truth, the wisdom from above that would have brought the Geula became a closed book, again. The students of the GR"A came to reject their teacher, the light of Moshiach ben Yosef. They fell back in the ways of the generations that preceded the GR"A. Understand it well.
Rather than the year 5600, in my humble opinion, the time of the great Aleph is the final year of the current Machzor Hagadol, year 5796, seven times 28 years after year 5600, as can be demonstrated in multiple ways in the wisdom from above, in line with the wisdoms from below.
When is the time of the great Aleph? It seems that the GR"A, the Vilna Gaon, interpreted the Zohar such that the year 5600 was "the year." Year 5600 was the final year of Machzor Hagadol, and it is the year the gates are opened for the sources of the wisdom from below and the wisdom from above, according to the Zohar. This is why the GR"A so heroically attempted to install the primacy of the wisdoms from below as a value among his students. It was his attempt to bring the Geula early, but the attempt backfired.
The students of the GR"A could not withstand the voices of Haskala that said that the sources of the wisdom from below are very different from the wisdom of above. Rather than facing the apparent contradictions, they succumbed, and retreated. They started to see the wisdoms from below as evil. And as year 5600 went by, the wisdoms from below received an enormous boost, and there was no Geula. There was, instead, devastation among the students of the GR"A.
The students of the GR"A withdrew and chose for the study of Halacha, uniting all those who reject the wisdoms from below. The problem is that the wisdom from above that would have brought the Geula went incognito in the face of the rejection of the wisdoms from below. In a classical case of Midah k'Neged Midah, in truth, the wisdom from above that would have brought the Geula became a closed book, again. The students of the GR"A came to reject their teacher, the light of Moshiach ben Yosef. They fell back in the ways of the generations that preceded the GR"A. Understand it well.
Rather than the year 5600, in my humble opinion, the time of the great Aleph is the final year of the current Machzor Hagadol, year 5796, seven times 28 years after year 5600, as can be demonstrated in multiple ways in the wisdom from above, in line with the wisdoms from below.
ואין דרך אחרת להגיע לדרגה זו כי אם ע"י לימוד רב ונכון בשתי הקצוות מתהום ארעא עד רום רקיע ועפ"י הכתוב כי כל בשמים ובארץ
(Kol Hator, chapter 5, part 2)