Historical Compromise

P and D came to a compromise, to construct one history for one nation. The important thing for the history to convey is the law code of D and the law code of P, in which this law code is embedded. They constructed one nation with one law, one Torah.

To emphasize that everybody is right regarding history, P devised Shemot 46:8-27, showing that the seventy souls were no different than Yaakov and his family, and D accepted the fathers Abraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov. The lesson of the compromise should be clear.

If everybody is equally right about the historical truth, everybody, among the compromisers, is wrong about the historical truth. But the compromise did create historical truth, by the fact that it occurred a long time ago. Before the Islam, before Christianity, and before rabbinic Judaism. All three are the result, for better and for worse, of this historical compromise. That is the truth.

The compromise is also a compromise between the sons of Aharon and the Levites, and from this fact one sees the unevenness of the compromise. The sons of Aharon seem to have imposed the compromise from a position of power. It was wholly different from the compromise between E and J, accomplished by RJE, as we will discuss.

חָכְמוֹת, בַּחוּץ תָּרֹנָּה; בָּרְחֹבוֹת, תִּתֵּן קוֹלָהּ

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