
The mission of this blog is to go the opposite way. We assume that RJE not only created the EJ text, but also created the first "Deuteronomy," a text that summarized EJ, ending with "the" Decalogue, followed by a new law code, ending in a hortatory section, a Tochachah. To be as specific as possible, we assume that the EJ text was this one and the first Deuteronomy was this text, though the exactness of the text is not critical.

We will ask the big questions: What is the nature of the first Deuteronomy? Who could have been RJE? What is the nature of the replacement of the first Deuteronomy with the second Deuteronomy, Sefer Devarim? What was the fate of the first Deuteronomy? What does it all mean for the status of the Halacha? What are the implications for the status of Jews? In particular, what does it mean for Jews in the Land of Israel?

וּבְהַשְׂכִּיל לְחָכָם, יִקַּח-דָּעַת

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